Sometimes the perfect executive level job for you just doesn’t seem to exist in your area. You resolve to looking for jobs that require you to relocate thinking this will help expand your job search.
While this may be true, you soon realize there’s a special set of challenges that present themselves when trying to conduct a job search that requires relocation. Use the tips below to show recruiters that you are serious about relocating for the job.
Try Recruiters That Work Within the Company
The first step in applying for a job that requires relocation is to find recruiters who are willing to work with you. This is, unfortunately, a little more complicated than it sounds.
Local third-party recruiters may be skeptical to take you seriously as a candidate.. Reason being that their income (the fees the company is paying them) is contingent upon the candidate actually showing up to work. If the candidate needs to relocate this presents the chance that they will not come through.
The recruiters within the company may be skeptical for the similar reasons. The good news is their pay isn’t contingent upon presenting a candidate which makes them much easier to work with.
Direct recruiters (also known as corporate recruiters) may be more willing to accept your candidacy if you can provide a P.O. Box or a local address. They’ll also be more willing to help you out if you have circumstances that would help you relocate regardless of whether or not you had the job, such as family in the area.
Show Commitment to the Move
This is not the time to say something like “I’m a financial professional looking into filling your CFO position. I’m currently in California but I’m considering a relocation to New York for the position.”
If you want a job that requires relocation you must commit to it. By telling the recruiter you are “considering” relocation this only tells them that you may not be serious. As a result they will not be likely to work with you.
You must remember that recruiters aren’t really looking for candidates outside of the area so you must pursue them with confidence. Furthermore, you have an advantage – when it comes to executive level positions good candidates are hard to come by.
Rather than talking about your considerations use affirmative statements, give dates and take hold of the reigns. For instance, “I am moving to New York and I will be there on the 27th. I’d like to set up an interview for the CFO position. Here are my qualifications.”
Network in the Area
Having personal referrals gets you far when looking for a job that requires relocation. Tap into your network and see if any of your contacts know someone in the area. Connect with the recruiters on LinkedIn or see if your college has any alum in the area.
This gives you the opportunity to reach out to people directly which makes all the difference when wanting to relocate.
No job search is complete without a rock-solid, comprehensive resume which reflects the experience and expertise necessary for your desired position. If you want to take your resume to the next level to stop recruiters in their tracks, register for our no-cost How to Design a Powerful Executive Resume to Land Interviews…Even If You’re Not An Executive Webinar, live tomorrow, Thursday, Sept 18th at 9:30am EDT.
Written by Lisa Rangel, Executive Resume Writer
If you are interested in working with Lisa Rangel, an accomplished executive resume writer, social media profile writer and job search consultant, to achieve social media exposure and interviews you want, sign up for an exploratory call now and learn about the Chameleon Resumes services that can help you land your next role.