Is the Evil HR Lady so Evil? Nah, but Suzanne Lucas' irristable moniker is pretty catchy. She's more of a straight shooter and speaks to pertinent topics in the industry. Jaded, maybe a little and with good reason, it isn't easy being the HR point person. She's had 10 years of hiring, firing and number crunching before launching her own firm.
The Evil HR Lady's posts are not objective and you certainly do not have to agree. Regardless of your opinion, she raises valuable points and strikes up a great conversation. Some of her latest posts include thought provoking quesitons workplace oriented questions like;
Are Personality Tests Required for the Job You Want?
Guns at Work: Should You Be Able to Defend Yourself?
Are Crude Jokes Appropriate Office Behavior?
You can catch up on the Evil PR Lady's blog posts on BNET.