What is an AV Technician?
According to Study.com, “Audiovisual technicians set up, operate, maintain and repair equipment used to enhance live events, such as microphones, video recorders, projectors, lighting and sound mixing equipment. They record meetings and presentations with video cameras, operate spotlights, adjust amplifiers, coordinate graphics used in displays and provide technical support for teleconferences, webinars, and distance-learning classes. Technicians may also edit, copy and store videotapes and DVDs, track inventory of equipment and order supplies.”
With this being said, a study conducted by InfoComm states the next three years will be a time of consistent growth for both AV sales and service sales worldwide. This is an industry that has seen a consistent growth rate of 3.10% per year since 2004. Accordingly, the demand for well-qualified AV techs is expected to continue to rise at an expected 15,000 new jobs each year.
Looking for a new job in the Audiovisual Industry?
How Much Does an AV Technician Make?
With a full-time audiovisual technician making a median salary of $55,671, an AV technician with a few years of experience can expect to earn between $48,000-$66,000. Similarly, a part-time audiovisual technician can bring in anywhere from $15-$30 an hour depending on experience.
The beauty of many of these jobs, unlike many in the IT sector, is you don't need a raft of previous experience, hefty certifications or specialized degrees to enter the field.
Here's what you need, and what you can expect from a career in this field:
How to Become an AV Technician:
- A high school degree is necessary,
however a bachelors degree will certainly be helpful but is not always viewed as vital - A good facility with technology- this could be as simple as a strong working knowledge of consumer goods (TV/DVD Players/Game Systems) as well as a degree of comfort with cable-ing and connection conventions.
- Working knowledge of electrical safety. Again this can be as simple as understanding the fundamentals of rewiring, grounding and wiring outlets.
- Experience in either music, theater or other live events can be helpful. (Did you volunteer with a local community theater and help setting up audio equipment? Perhaps you played in a band or are your family's go-to-guy for all issues with TV and accessory set up.)
- Any kind of facility with AV equipment will serve you well, but the real key quality you need is the drive to keep learning.
What is a Typical AV Technician Job Description:
Regardless of the vertical, you find yourself working in (Video, Audio) or the sector the company serves (consumer, commercial, industrial) most job descriptions will include the following requirements:
- Install, set up and adjust audio-visual equipment on site
- Test equipment for faults then repair
- Train customers on operation and basic maintenance
- Perform routine checks and maintenance of equipment
- Troubleshoot problems in the field
- AV technician is responsible for being team members
- AV technician needs to learn their particular
audio visual systems
(There will also be different
Looking for the Perfect AV Candidate?
The Typical AV Technician (OR NOT!):
While there might be the typical job description, that doesn't mean there is such a thing as a typical AV technician. AV techs hail from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. Some come from the music industry, others from entertainment, while still others are attracted to the field as a way into the larger IT world. Whatever direction you're approaching the field from you ought to have the following:
- The desire to travel and to be exposed to a wide variety of environments. One week you might be working in a school and the next week you might be installing a video wall in a retail environment.
- Flexibility and creativity to troubleshoot on site.
- Good communication skills for both reporting to managers and supervisors as well as being able to field and manage customer concerns.
- A passion to create cool stuff.
The beauty of beginning your career in AV/IT if you become an AV technician is that working in the field can prepare you for a variety of roles down the road. And with new integration opportunities blossoming all the time, AV/IT shows no sign of slowing any time in the future - neither will your career!
Lastly, know there are many different names for AV Technicians. Some of which include, AV Installer, AV Specialist, AV field engineer, AV customer engineer, etc.
Sound like you? J.Patrick & Associates has multiple AV Industry Jobs which we encourage you to check out!
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