You can triumph and advance your career in this fiscal cliff economy! Whatever happens in Washington over the next few months, the fact remains that the uncertainty posed by the fiscal cliff have many people worried about how it will affect their job and their career. The rumblings about how the fiscal cliff outcome can affect people at work is loud. Despite this growing concern, I believe you can win in this economic turmoil. How, you ask?
As a general rule, focus on what you can control and ignore what you can’t control to stay sane and win during this tumultuous economic time. Companies want to hire and keep productive, resilient and happy employees…so here are some things you can do to demonstrate this characteristic in you:
15 Ways to Protect and improve your career reputation
1. Remain calm, stay focused and simply do your job.
If your employer sees you as someone who is resilient and productive amongst the economic noise, they will note that you might be worth keeping around if cuts are to be made.
2. Be the voice of reason
Stop talking about what can go wrong and focus on what can be done right. Again, employers want to keep the employees that are positively contributing to the environment and not the Chicken Littles who are running around that the sky is falling.
3. Stay social
Ask a work colleague out for lunch and call a long distance professional buddy to chat. And, for God’s sake, don’t talk about the fiscal cliff or any other negative economic fodder. Chat about productive topics.
4. Join a professional networking group
Stay abreast of what is going on in your discipline and your industry. Make new friends.
5. Take Credit when credit is due
When doing your performance appraisal spell out how you contributed to revenue initiatives, saved money and streamlined processes. Tell your boss how fabulous you are in concrete, measurable terms.
6) Be grateful and happy
If you come across happy and grateful, your employer does not have to worry about making you happy. One less thing to worry about on their growing to-do list can help you stay employed. I find that demanding, disgruntled, never-satisfied employees who contribute to the problem rather than the solution do not tend to stick around long.
7) Update Your Resume
Update your resume and optimize LinkedIn profile to reflect these winds outlined in your performance appraisal. Have these documents ready to roll if needed.
8) Connect on Linkedin
Audit your LinkedIn connections and see that you are connected with vendors, clients, external and internal partners. Maximize your reach.
9) Get Linkedin Recommendations
Get LinkedIn recommendations and endorsements…can’t hurt, right?
10) Be active online
Post interesting articles, endorse other people, and participate in groups to stay visible in online mediums.
11) Continued Education
Research professional development initiatives you can do…certifications, professional credits, and ongoing learning initiatives improve your credentials and create natural networking opportunities, whether they are in person or online.
12) Attend Conferences
Book yourself to attend a conference…when was the last time you went to one in your industry? Promote yourself as a leader in your field and for your company.
13) Avoid Distractions
Time to turn off the news…don’t listen to it. Unless you are contributing to the senate meetings or advising the President on how to proceed, you really don’t need to listen to the play-by-play.
14) Ask for help
Sign up for interview coaching class or work with a private coach to hone your message and improve your confidence. This type of preparation can help you with a promotion at work, communicating during your performance appraisal and interview for a new job, if needed.
15) Help Others
Be a resource to your network. Connect people who can benefit from knowing each other. This will be remembered when you ask for help.
The bottom line is keep your eye on the prize—retaining and excelling in your job—by just over-delivering on what you are supposed to do. Even you lose your job due to economic circumstances beyond your control, the good karma that will come from doing most of what is suggested above will increase your opportunities to be hired quickly. Again, companies want to hire and keep productive, resilient and happy employees. Companies realize they cannot make you that way, you have to come to them that way, despite the fiscal cliff looming or the financial opportunities arising.
Written by Lisa Rangel, Executive Resume Writer