J Patrick + Associates Blog

How to Job Search When You Don’t Know Anyone

Posted by Daniel Sullivan on Thu, Oct 01, 2015 @ 11:00 AM

How To Job Search When You Don't Know anyone

We have all heard that old saying, “It’s not what you know, but who you know,” and in many things in this life that saying does turn out to be true. When it comes to the job search, how many times have you gained an “in” with a company because you are good friends with someone who works there or know a family member of someone who works there?

Well, what do you do if you find yourself in a situation where you need to find a job but don’t know anyone? There are many reasons why this could happen. Whatever the reason, don’t believe your job search is hopeless. Here is where you can start:

Make a List of Connections

While you may think you have to build your network from scratch, I believe if you take a few minutes to really think about it, you probably know more people than you think. Sit down and make a list of people that you do know. While it is a good idea to try to focus on the field of interest you will be searching for employment in, don’t discount anyone. Start making a list of names that can include your family members, friends, people you have met in your new area, neighbors, almost anyone that comes to your mind. This will be the foundation of your new networking list that you will use to build upon.

Leverage the Power of Your Connections

You may not know people directly that can help you, but the power of secondary, tertiary and beyond (4th and 5th degree connections) are where you might find the golden contact to help you. By reaching out to the list you made of your initial connections, no matter how small that list may be, see who they know on LinkedIn and by asking verbally who they know who can help you achieve your next goal.

Leverage Social Media Power

Social media sites such as Facebook and, more importantly, LinkedIn, can help you build a network of people in your field that could be helpful tools when you are ready to search for a job. Join as many relevant groups on the social media sites as you can for your field and regularly check in with them. Post in the groups and contribute to what they are doing so people begin to recognize you as an expert and look to you for advice. Consider using the advanced search functions to help you find companies that are looking for people in your field as well. Once you find these, don’t just apply for the job, but also make an effort to network with people employed at the company.

Be Consistent and Participate

Probably the most difficult part of building your networking list, is the ability to stay consistent with it over a long period of time and making an effort to regularly participate in conversations and activities that occur within your network. It’s the consistency that enables online connections to become offline relationships. Building a networking list isn’t easy, but if you take the time to actively participate on a regular basis and continue to do so over a long period of time, you will begin to reap the rewards. Check in with your network using your online tools and participate in any ongoing conversations. Try checking in one or two times a day if there is a particular conversation that is very interesting taking place.

Just Start With One Action Per Day

While starting a job search without a network of friends and colleagues to help you along the way may seem daunting, it is certainly possible. All you have to do is start building your network today. Whatever you do, don’t delay. While you may find that perfect job without knowing anyone, it will definitely be easier if you do. So start building your network list today so when you are ready to make a change, you have an entire host of people that could help you in your search. 

Written by Lisa Rangel, Executive Resume Writer

Click me

Tags: Social Media, Job Search, Networking, Career Strategies

Resources for a Well-Balanced Job Search

Posted by Daniel Sullivan on Thu, Sep 24, 2015 @ 11:00 AM

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I believe that a successful, well-balanced job search is more than successful strategies and tactical actions a job seeker can take to get closer to finding that right job. A successful job search offers well-balanced advice to address the mind, body, spirit and financial well-being of a person. A balanced job search prepares the job seeker to be in the right frame of mind and in good health to perform well throughout the entire job search process.

Here are suggested websites that enable a job seeker to take a balanced approach to their job search by shoring up on wellness, positive mindset, health, money, global business knowledge and efficient job search tactics action to help them be viewed as ‘in-demand’ by prospective employers.


1. Zen Habits

I feel Zen Habits helped me change my own life and I encourage readers to use this minimalist philosophy, lifestyle and mindset suggested put forth by Leo Baubata, the founder of Zen Habits, to put life in its proper perspective and bring more joy to day-to-day living.


2. Tiny Buddha


This website helps with your positive mindset each day. It helps you learn how to stop negative thoughts, manage stress, present yourself confidently, and empower your to the choices that make your life better.


3. WELL – Tara Parker-Pope on Health


This leading NYT health and wellness blog by Tara Parker-Pope gives tips on how to eat well, exercise and take care of our bodies, that will ultimately help us perform better inside and outside of work.


4. MintLife


Effectively managing your money before, during and after a job search is paramount. Properly managed money, no matter what your job or income level, can take mounds of pressure off of the already pressure some situation of looking for a job and/or remaining employed, allowing you to make much better, qualitative decisions about your future.


5. Harvard Business Review


Show your next manager that you are up to speed on cutting edge management through leadership and demonstrate its application in preparing for yoru interviews. This is an amazing resources for lifelong learning.


6. Daniel H.Pink


Understanding how the world of work and employment is changing can help you present better in your next interview. Daniel Pink is a thought-provoking, motivational read, whether he is referencing content from his bestselling books or sharing favorite excerpts from TED Talks. Reading his blog, always leaves me feeling motivated and empowered.


7. The Recruiters Lounge


I have always said, “Want to find a job, understand how a recruiter thinks and then employ those strategies in your search to find opportunity and be found by hiring managers.”  Go right to the source to understand recruiters with this blog.


8. MeetUp.com


Feed your mind and your network by seeking out Meet Up groups that are aligned with your professional goals and personal interests (or the other way around). By finding like-minded people and engaging those with differing perspectives we grow our connections, increase our opportunities and expand our minds.


9. Tim’s Strategy


Tim Tyrell-Smith has a blog that embodies a number of writers (full-disclosure, I am one of those writers) that address many career topics, effective job search tactics and resume strategies for all phases of one’s career. His blog is a job search tactic gold mine…


10. Jackalope Jobs

Jackalope’s  blog brings tactical expertise in ways to optimize your connections and your network to get closer to open opportunities. In addition, Jackalope Jobs has a great tool that enables job seekers to take their LinkedIn and Facebook network’s and leverage these contacts to see how the job seeker is connected to open jobs. Perfect complement to existing social media.


Written by Lisa Rangel, Executive Resume Writer

Tags: Social Media, Job Search, Networking, Resume Optimization

Strength Of Weak Ties – Seven Ways To Connect For Your Job Search

Posted by Daniel Sullivan on Tue, Sep 15, 2015 @ 11:03 AM

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The strategy known as “the strength of weak ties” could be the secret sauce in your job search. Essentially, it entails reaching beyond your traditional networks to casual contacts. The latter know of job openings your colleagues don’t. This article describes seven simple ways to make those connections with weak ties.



Mark Granovetter’s Discovery of Gold in Casual Relationships

It’s no secret that jobs most often come through people. They provide information about openings you wouldn’t have known about. Often those aren’t listed among the help-wanted ads. Also, it’s people who hire you. But, not all those people contacts are equally effective in your job search. In 1973, Mark Granovetter, a sociology graduate student at Johns Hopkins University, published breakthrough research in the American Journal of Sociology. It documented that those whom you assume you should count on – members of your own networks – could be the least useful. The biggest return on investment in networking could come from people you know casually, that is, weak ties. A typical example would be Joe who runs the coffee stand in the office high rise. He’s among the first to connect the dots on who’s on the way out, therefore where there will be openings. You should invest your time in befriending him and letting him know you’re in the market for a new job. Currently, many of those the weak ties you can arrange to connect with on social networks such as LinkedIn.


The Hidden Power of Weak Ties

There is such power in weak ties for four reasons.

• Traditional networks function like closed, risk-averse systems. Those in them all share the same jobs data. Moreover, they may hesitate to tell you about them. They fear that if the situation doesn’t work out that will reflect badly on them. In addition, they tend to both stereotype colleagues and be fully aware of their flaws. So, they won’t let them know about openings which they assume will be a bad fit.

• Weak ties intersect with very different networks than your usual ones. That, in itself, opens up possibilities for work you won’t encounter through your strong ties. In addition, they have useful “inside information” on the organization’s culture, undisclosed problems and their ideal job candidate.

• Relationships with weak ties tend to be open and trusting. Little is invested in passing along a job tip to you so the stakes aren’t high for them. Also, since they don’t know you well professionally they don’t assume you can’t do the job. Strong ties tend to pigeon-hole you in a niche. They can also stifle original thought, making it more difficult for you to think out of the box about a job search.

• Weak ties can provide emerging ideas and perspectives not available through your usual social capital. That gives you competitive intelligence about what kinds of opportunities to pursue and how to present yourself.


Finding and Nurturing Weak Ties

Because networking is critical to success, most executives have developed patterns for doing that. For example, holiday social activities are made to do double-duty as networking opportunities. However, those best practices can harden into rituals in which you aren’t fully engaged. Moreover, they exclude possibilities for identifying and cultivating weak ties. Here are seven effective tactics:

1) Develop an accessible persona. That includes open body language, gentle facial expressions and the ability to listen, asking questions to get conversations going. This kicks off the Law of Attraction. 

2) Open yourself to small talk. That old saying “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” also applies to not sharpening the instincts for casual connections. When commuting on the train, waiting in the doctor’s office and walking the dog, don’t be preoccupied with work.

3) Participate in professional and social events outside your specialization. Those could be as non-threatening as signing up for a few months of public-speaking training with Toastmasters. Or it could be a little more complicated like attending a local meeting of psychologists, even though you’re a lawyer. They will welcome what you can offer to them in networking as much as what you can gain from them.

4) Develop a communications vehicle which transmits your unique passion. That might be a newsletter, weekly radio broadcast, blog, podcast or YouTube series of presentations. It could be about animal rescue, the Steelers or doing business in Russia. Your enthusiasm will be contagious.

5) Be involved in Facebook. According to Jobvite, 83 percent of job searchers rely on Facebook. No, it’s not just for posting family photos or promoting your company. It’s a platform for cultivating weak ties in an informal way. Most of your Facebook “friends” are not colleagues. Respond to their posts, indicate you are there to help them with their marketing plan and celebrate their accomplishments. In addition, you can attract recruiters you don’t normally do business with. In the “edit profile” section provide them with details about your work history and where you are heading. 

6) Become interested in other people on Twitter. Strategically plan whom you want to connect with on Twitter. Then join in their discussions, let them know what you have gained from their insights and share what fascinates you. Eventually, ask for help in your job search. If they work at Company X, ask the best people to contact there for an informational interview. Some of this conversation might be brought offline. 

7) Exploit networking opportunities on LinkedIn. Configured as a professional network, LinkedIn is a multi-dimensional tool for connecting with those you need to know. Do your profile right and it could attract everyone from professional recruiters to chief executive officers hunting for a new head of compliance. Premium membership allows you to search in companies and fields of expertise for contacts.


Becoming Open, Staying That Way

The current winners in the new economy, ranging from venture capitalists to app designers, keep their networks diverse. One of their objectives is to continuing developing fresh kinds of contacts. The taxi driver in Moscow might have the most useful insight on oil futures. Yes, this requires an investment in engaging. Attention has to be shifted from the work on the desk. But the alternative – rigid networking – puts you at a professional disadvantage. Smart players are starting those conversations. 


Written by Lisa Rangel, Executive Resume Writer

If you are interested in working with Lisa Rangel, an accomplished executive resume writer, social media profile writer and job search consultant, to achieve social media exposure and interviews you want, sign up for an exploratory call now and learn about the Chameleon Resumes services that can help you land your next role.

Tags: Social Media, Job Search, Networking

Is Resistance Killing Your Job Search?

Posted by Daniel Sullivan on Fri, Sep 04, 2015 @ 11:00 AM

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Everyone knows that the job search can be a stressful time marked by hopeful ups and defeating downs. You get excited about new leads and suffer disappointments on your hunt for that perfect job that can become the next step in a successful career. This is normal. However, during your job search, you could be your own worst enemy by not accepting this is normal and, instead, taking it personally. Without even knowing it, you could be throwing up resistance and making mistakes that will kill your job hunt success from the start and throughout the process. These mistakes can be both physical and even emotional and will hamper your ability to land that great new job.

Whether you are top level executive looking for that next big advancement in an already successful career or you are a recent college graduate seeking that first job to kick off your career, you could be guilty of throwing up emotional roadblocks or making common mistakes that will stop you in your tracks from ever setting foot in the door of many companies.


6 Job Search Mindset Killing Mistakes

There are many common mistakes that job seekers make when looking for that next big job. Some of the most common you see are in their actions before they ever land that first interview.

• Research Fails – Often candidates believe they are properly prepared for their interview by researching all there is about the company. However, they fail to research their needs and their history and aligning what they bring to what the company they are looking to join needs. This can cause a candidate to flounder in the interview and erode confidence.

• Talk Down Accomplishments – During the interview, many candidates seeking to appear humble often talk down their own accomplishments making it seem like they really didn’t do anything in their past employment. Be proud of your accomplishments, but don’t be boastful.

• Go It Alone – Often job seekers feel they must pursue their next job like a lonely hunter in the night. The truth is, you can get a lot of valuable information and learn something from others in your position as well. Talk to them. Seek out the help of recruiters, similar positioned colleagues and job search experts, but don’t rely on them as your only source for new opportunities.

• Begrudging Attitude – No one likes searching for a new job. But in the end it all comes down to your attitude. Approaching it with a bad attitude will only result in poor quality work on your part. Be excited for your new opportunity and enjoy the hunt as you broaden your horizons. You may even learn a thing or two along the way.

• One-Size-Fits-All Resume and Cover Letter – One of the biggest mistakes you can make is sending the same cover letter and resume to many different companies. If you are truly interested in a position, you should do your homework and tailor both your resume and cover letter specifically for that position.

• Negative Head Trash – Assuming all setbacks are because you are not a desirable candidate or only unique to you is the biggest emotional and mental drain at the root of stalled job search. It is important to realize ALL job seekers have positives and negative aspects of the search and it is normal. It does not mean you suck. It means that was not the right employer for you.


Emotional Roadblocks

Your own emotions could be getting in your way as well. What’s worse is you may not even know it. Often if you aren’t getting where you want to go it is because of your emotions. You don’t believe you are worthy or are capable of that next big step. These feelings are often felt deep down and you may not even be aware of them. So, on the surface you are seeking that next big career advancement, but on the inside you don’t think you are ready even if you really are. This can cause you to appear less confident during an interview and you may not be willing to take the risks you need to take to get where you want to go.


Final Thoughts

Remember, when you are job seeking, look at your actions in an objective manner. Really look inside yourself and ask yourself why you are having a hard time and not finding the type of job you want. You could find that it isn’t because you simply can’t find something, but that you have become your own worst enemy creating unnecessary resistance in your job search. Don’t be too hard on yourself. We are all guilty of it at one time or another. Just pick yourself up and recognize what you are doing and correct it. You will soon find that you not only find the perfect job for you, but you nail the process every step of the way so your job search comes to an end.


Written by Lisa Rangel, Executive Resume Writer

If you are interested in working with Lisa Rangel, an accomplished executive resume writer, social media profile writer and job search consultant, to achieve social media exposure and interviews you want, sign up for an exploratory call now and learn about the Chameleon Resumes services that can help you land your next role.

Tags: Job Search, Job Interviews, Resume Optimization

On-Demand Economy Executives – 6 Tactics To Land Lucrative Assignments

Posted by Daniel Sullivan on Tue, Sep 01, 2015 @ 11:00 AM

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The Economist reports that the On-Demand Economy in the U.S. currently employs 53 million free agents. A growing number of those free agent consultants are executives. The odds are that you will be among them, as a bridge to your next full-time job or as a new career path.

Fewer Executive-Level Openings Projected

From 2010 until 2020, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, overall full-time jobs will grow about 14 percent. However, top executive positions are only projected to increase 5 percent. It’s in your professional self-interest to learn how to be hired for the plum executive-level contract assignments.

If your first choice is to land a direct hire role, then don’t give up on searching for a permanent position. However, rejection might be the way the marketplace is telling you to do course correction in how you are going about the process and expand your options on where you look for work.


Why You Should Consider Free Agent Consulting Assignments

There are many reasons why you could choose or find it necessary to become a free agent. Currently, these are the most common:

• Demand is there. With the current volatility, more executive positions become vacant abruptly. The top tier or board wants it filled on an interim basis while a comprehensive search is done. As that interim, you may or may not have a shot at the permanent job. But you are earning income, achieving and learning. That’s what counts. Another need comes from start-ups which require specialized skills short term. A third represents the way companies are maintaining manpower flexibility.

• Executives want more control over their lives. Traditionally this is known as the “work-life balance” issue. Executives with highly specialized skills that are marketable find that they can take this option, without downsizing income. Also, in this era of 80-to-100-hour workweeks, the stigma is gone in choosing to be a free agent.

• The infrastructure is in-place. Executives don’t have to hit the pavement searching for assignments. Established headhunting firms unofficially or officially have units for contract work. Also, there are boutiques tailored entirely to place executives in interim posts.

Okay, you have decided you are going to experiment with or commit to this way of working. The odds are that you will have the greatest satisfaction and success if you are open to modifying how you usually compete for professional opportunities. Just as with full-time jobs, you will have to compete to be hired as a free agent for contract roles and here are 6 proven tactics to land plum assignments:


Executive Free-Agent Playbook

1. Get up to speed on current formats for resumes. You may not have searched for work since college or your M.B.A. Even in a year or two the winners’ approach to resumes might have changed. Also, different industries and different companies now may have their own preferred formats. Research tone, organization of categories, length, fonts and use of color.

2. Create a resume oriented for short-term projects. You will continue to follow the overall guidelines for the resume geared for full-time work. For example, you will begin with “Summary,” not “Objective.” However, you highlight recent assignments and the results you achieved for employers. That presentation will describe the project, objectives, skills leveraged and what can be quantified in terms of outcomes. Yes, you can use a pattern resume. But, you increase your marketability if you custom-make the content for the specific kind of assignment you are applying for. In cover letters and interviews, emphasize the value you created that was measurable.

3. Switch mindset from job history to recent achievements. If this will be your first kind of project work, then focus on what you have just accomplished for your full-time employer. Introducing a job history per se in isolation distracts. The exception is if the achievements from the last few jobs align with what is needed for this assignment.

4. Leverage skills, results, and references from current or recent projects to landing the next one. 

For now, you have mutated from a permanent employee with a set job description and routine to a free agent. The latter is always looking for the next assignment. That means you have to continually sell what you can offer to the next buyer. What is most marketable are the outcomes in current or recent assignments. Bundle that into a powerful elevator speech.

5. Have a great attitude, even when turning down assignments. Employers hire human beings, not just a set of skills. In the downsized workplace you have to fit in with the team to get things done. That’s why you will be screened as to your ability to go with the flow. That counts even when you decide that an assignment is not the right fit for you. Yes, you can turn down some offers, but not too many. And do that with humility and gratitude.

6. Be hungry. In his iconic 2005 Stanford University Commencement Speech, the late head of Apple, Steve Jobs, told the graduates to “stay hungry.” Of course, you don’t want to transmit the message that you are desperate. But you have to let the world know that you are available for assignments. Those include recruiters, contacts from project work and past jobs and those in your industry groups.


Staying Open

Few careers, especially executive ones, are linear. X doesn’t necessarily yield Y any more. What you manage to absorb and achieve in contract work can, if you are flexible, create myriad possibilities. You may be offered a full-time position with that or another company. Other plum assignments could be presented. You may decide to launch your own business.

In essence, time spent in the on-demand economy could have a major payoff in your long-term career.



Tags: Job Search, Resume Optimization

Seven Good Reasons for a Summertime Job Search

Posted by Daniel Sullivan on Tue, Aug 11, 2015 @ 11:00 AM

7 Good Reasons for a summertime job search

For anyone considering a job shift, or currently seeking employment, there are some compelling reasons not to take the summer off. Dropping out of the market for two or three months leaves you out of the flow -- and out of the running when new opportunities arise. Keep in mind that the slow-down of the summer holidays affects business, but not necessarily the hiring cycle.

Even six years after the end of the Great Recession, the job climate continues to rebound. Companies remain in flux -- and layoffs such as those recently announced by Microsoft continue -- but job creation continues as well. Make sure that your name is out there when new jobs open by staying active in your search all year round.

As a recruiter, I found my busiest seasons were often those you least expect -- summer and the holidays. 

Consider these 7 top tips for sticking with your employment search during the summer months

1. You have better odds 

When other job seekers take the summer off you have less competition for positions that become available. Less competition means you have a better chance of getting a call, or an interview. There is little wisdom in waiting until everyone applies for the same positions. At the C-suite level, making a targeted approach during the summer season may gain you more attention than during another, busier, season.

2. Better definition

Hiring managers, like everyone else, like to take time off during the summer. When a job is posted during the summer season, it is very likely a real position that needs to be filled, rather than a survey post to investigate the applicant pool. Recruiting personnel generally do not initiate the recruiting and onboarding cycle during the summertime when there is not a defined, present need.

3. Contract work

At many levels, contract-to-hire employment opens up during the summer. Whether filling in for a professional on leave, or taking on a development project, skilled and professional contract-for-hire positions remain available, and even uptick, during the summer months.

Contract-for-hire jobs offer you, and the employer, some advantages. In many cases, the contract is a tryout period for both parties, and either can walk away when the position concludes. For many job seekers, contract work is a means to get through the door, establish a presence, and gain a chance at the position when the contract period ends. The adage remains true, people hire who they know.

4. Summer networking looks different

During the summer, almost everyone is less formal. You may have more social opportunities that are not wholly focused on jobs. Travel, community, and other events give you a chance to offer your time on a volunteer project, or board, that may coincidentally make you a needed network connection.

Effective networking means knowing what you can do for others who may be able and willing to help you down the line.

5. Do groundwork 

For industries that are not hiring this summer, or as your job hunt continues, use the summer to ensure your branding, LinkedIn, and marketing materials are up to date and sharp. If you are burned out from a job you want to leave, or from job hunting, take a break. Regroup, and find some inspiration. Reflect on what you want, new ways to present yourself, and new industries that could be a good fit with your goals.

6. Use your time wisely

During the summer, you may have holidays and vacation time away from the office. Initiate exploratory interviews, respond to recruiters, and use the more relaxed atmosphere of the summer to make, and make inquiries about a potential lateral, or other type of job move.

7. Longer or shorter

Your recruiting experience could be lengthened by the summer season, or shortened. Because key decision-makers are out of the office, the interview process could be slowed. The opposite is also true. Important operatives may have more downtime and are willing to quickly engage the interview process during a more causal season -- inside the office, and out.

Summer or winter, uncertainty is part of every job search. Take each day, and each season, for what it is really worth, and help yourself land the position you want.

Written by Lisa Rangel, Executive Resume Writer


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Tags: Job Search, Networking

7 Must Have Components for an Eye Catching Executive Resume Summary

Posted by Daniel Sullivan on Tue, Aug 04, 2015 @ 11:00 AM

7 Must Have Components

Six seconds is the window of time you have to catch a Hiring managers attention as they are busily flipping through resumes. Resume summaries can be the key to having your resume examined versus just being tossed into the trash. However, in order to be successful, they need to be written with great care. 

A resume summary should be written by job seekers who have three or more years of experience and should give a future employer some insight of the benefits you can provide them. Remember your resume summary should be no longer than 3-4 sentences so getting right to the point is key.

Here are the 7 Key Components that you must have for an eye-catching resume

1. Eye-Catching Visual Layout

Use Microsoft Word’s Borders and Shading function sparingly. to great white space and visual breaks to draw the eye through the document. The goal of the summary is to keep the reader’s eye moving through the document using a visually compelling layout.


2. Clear Target Position in the Title

Hiring managers scan hundreds of resumes when they are searching for the right candidate. Studies have shown that they often make the decision to call you or just discard your resume in only a few seconds. So, you need to hook them quickly if you hope to have a shot. When creating your summary, begin with something that will make them do a double-take and encourage them to read on.


3. Emphasize Your Top Selling Points

Once you have their attention, you need to then quickly emphasize your best selling points that demonstrate why you are the right person for the job. When hiring managers are searching, they will quickly skim resumes looking for the right criteria. In order to increase your chances, put your best foot forward right away and show them what makes you the best candidate for the job.


4. Correlate Career Achievements to Job Requirements

Once you have them reading and they know your best selling points, it is time to briefly go over your career so they get an idea of how your experience is relevant to their position. This gives them an insight into your experience so they begin to understand what you can bring to the table if they decide to bring you on board.


For example: If you are applying to an AV sales job your resume summary may look something like this.


" Professional AV sales manager with five years of experience. With certifications in Crestron and Avixa, I bring a wealth of information and experience to the table. Exceeding sales goals by 25 percent in 2021 allowed for team growth and company expansion".


5. Communicate Motivation

While the simple objective statement may be out of style today, that doesn’t mean you can’t briefly share your motivation, when applicable. Are you a great team leader that has led your team to success? Go ahead and tell me as it pertains to the job you are applying for and let the rest of the resume tell the hiring manager about this success.


6. Be Concise

Remember, you have the rest of your resume to explain in detail everything you have accomplished and why you would be the perfect candidate for the position. Think of the summary as a hook that will keep the hiring manager's attention and prompt them to continue reading your resume.


7. Don’t Underestimate Keywords

While you should never just write your resume for keywords, you shouldn’t forget about them entirely. When creating your resume be sure to use keywords found in the job description in the summary and throughout your resume to help ensure it ends up in the hands of the hiring manager.


While you may think the interview is the most difficult process of your job search, the truth is just getting your foot in the door and getting an opportunity for an interview is often far more difficult. However, you can improve your chances just by crafting the perfect resume summary. A well-crafted resume summary will help you get noticed and allow you to quickly put your best foot forward so hiring managers will give your resume a closer look.


Written by Lisa Rangel, Executive Resume Writer


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Tags: Job Search, Job Interviews, Resume Optimization

8 Actions to Take If You Don’t Get the Job

Posted by Daniel Sullivan on Thu, Jul 02, 2015 @ 10:00 AM
“Thank you for your interest, but…” 

Your third interview with the company included senior members of the executive team. You thought the position was yours. The polite telephone call you just received, that began in this manner, let you know otherwise. After you graciously respond and end the call, you are, frankly, stunned.

You did not get the job… what next?

Almost everyone interviews for jobs they do not get. Finding and achieving the position you want is an often painful process. At the executive level, the air is rarified and the competition is stiff.

No one is happy about missing the mark on a job they want. But along with disappointment and dismay, it is essential to mine the experience for hidden value.

Consider these thinking and action points if the position you want slips away:


8 Actions to take if you don’t get the job

1. Reflect on how you feel about it? 

Many career coaches and counselors wisely advise clients to feel the pain. Mourn the loss and consider the fear that attends failure. While you are there, take note of the gold buried in the muck. The sharp disappointment can be an enduring catalyst to get where you are going. Do not give your feelings short shrift. Find an activity to help you release the tension and then use what you’ve learned about yourself as you move forward.


2. Express gratitude

As a candidate for a C-level or other executive position, you know time and effort were spent during the recruiting process for the job you did not get. Pick up the telephone and call your contact within the company to express your gratitude and cement the contact. Send a note of thanks, and include a news item or other interesting piece to create a level of connection outside the missed job opportunity. Reframe the experience as an opportunity to expand your network, rather than diminish it.


3. Obtain an assessment

At the executive level, you may be working with a recruiter or coach. If realistic feedback on why the job was not offered is unavailable, conduct an honest evaluation of your job search plan. Assessment of the end-stage of the recruitment process differs from concern over resume style. Focus honestly on why you feel the job got away from you.


4. Focus on the opportunity before you

Rejection is hard not to take personally. Achieving a desired position is a step that leads your life in its next direction. But not getting the job does not leave you standing still. Many factors bear on the choice of candidates. If you did not get a particular position right now, accept that it is not the direction you are going at present. Use the situation as leverage to find a new, even better, direction. As you cut a different path, disappointment can work to energize your search, reveal the right job for you, and help you get the offer.


5. Narrow or broaden your search:

If you are repeatedly advancing to the interview stage without a final job offer, take a critical look at whether you should pursue more specialized or more generalized employment venues. A repetitive pattern of interviews without employment closure could be an overlooked disconnect between your background and the right boardroom for you.


6. Consider the ecosystem

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) estimates job growth for top executives between 2012 and 2022 will roughly parallel the economy, at about 11 percent. A 2015 survey by Careerbuilder reports that approximately 36 percent of U.S. employers plan increases in their full-time staff. The economy is improving, and with it, the job market. The proliferation, analysis, and protection of big data are driving executive hires and the creation of new positions. Remap your job search plan to take advantage of executive opportunities on the developing corporate edge.


7. Revisit your personal brand

Online marketing is more than your digital footprint. It is the cohesive message you send through platforms such as Facebook and LinkedIn. It is not likely that your personal brand led to your lack of a job offer after the interview phase, but it can help you land the next interview, and maybe a job. Refresh your online presence through an updated professional or community profile.


8. Ask for help

Research indicates many people fear to ask for help outside their tried-and-true circle of friends and associates. Reluctance to seek support, advice, and ideas outside a known network enforces homogeneity and reduces the likelihood of a novel outcome. Do your research, and locate a contact that could be an interesting informational interview. Reach out to an expert in your field, and ask for ideas and suggestions. Do not limit yourself to your known universe—create a new one.

The challenge of an executive job search is to be your own change agent. Use those higher-level skills to do what you do best—analyze, realize, plan and move forward toward success. Set-backs are part of the deal. Let them drive you to where you want to go.

Written by Lisa Rangel, Executive Resume Writer


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Tags: Job Search, Networking, Job Interviews

Career Acceleration Formula Review

Posted by Daniel Sullivan on Thu, Jun 18, 2015 @ 10:57 AM
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When I was working as a search firm recruiter, I was always asking myself, “How do I get promoted more quickly?” And when I was working as a search firm recruiter, candidates were always asking me, “How can I land the next level position? How do I get promoted?” It always had me wondering and observing, why is it that some people get ahead fast while others fail to progress their careers for years?

My simple motto always was, “Do the job you want, then you get it.” While this mantra worked well for me in my search firm industry, it did not work so easily when I was in corporate. There was never a good, consistent answer to these questions beyond the occasional personal mottos. Everyone around me seemed to have had some idea about how to advance career fast, but no one has really cracked it. That is until the last year when I met Bozi Dar and learned about his program called Career Acceleration Formula.

Who is Bozi? Bozi is a senior executive in a major Fortune 500 company who figured out a specific formula that helped him achieve staggering success and get promoted 6 times in 6 years, increasing his salary 15 times. Over the years, he’s been mentoring other ambitious professionals so they can achieve predictable career success as well, until he refined his approach into a 6-step formula he teaches today.

I had a chance to meet Bozi and speak with him over the phone and apart from witnessing his zest to help others advance their careers, I also realized that he has an incredible talent of seeing the success patterns where others see complexity, as well as an ability to turn these patterns into action and get results fast.

Today I’d like to share with you my personal review of the Career Acceleration Formula.

First, what is Career Acceleration Formula? It is a 6-module online video training, containing 36 short and actionable videos as well as specific worksheets and action steps. All you need to do is set aside some quiet time (best is to cover one module per week, so you have some time to process the learnings and implement the action steps), turn on your mobile, iPad or laptop, start a training and follow Bozi’s guidance.

Here is what you can find inside each module:

Module #1: Developing a Winning Mindset. Bozi gives a beautiful metaphor on the importance of mindset. Mindset is everything that’s going on in our “invisible world” (in other words, in our head) and it is formed of your thoughts, values, emotions and beliefs. Everything in this “invisible world” dictates what we do in the “visible world”, which is our actions. This also means that in order to advance your career fast, the first place to look and see what’s stopping you is your “invisible world”. Inside the Career Acceleration Formula, Bozi shares eight most common mindset blockers that, when addressed, can unlock the potential for your career success. My favourite one is “You are the product”, where he explains how and why you are viewed by the company you work for (and any other company) as a product and how you can leverage that knowledge to make yourself irreplaceable in your company and your industry.

Module #2: How to Find the Perfect Next Job. In this module, Bozi takes you through a detailed, step-by-step process in order to give you clarity on your perfect next job. Most people choose their job based on how it looks on their CV, completely missing the point. Perfect job, as Bozi explains inside the training, is the one that is in the right place/unit (typically high-growth or turn-around), that leverages your strengths and competitive advantage and finally feels good to you (that’s where intuition comes in). He even shows you innovative ways to test your assumptions and get 100% clarity on what your perfect next job should be. The process he developed for this module takes some work, but is easy to follow and will give you a piece of mind on your next career step.

Module #3: One Big Thing. Bozi defines “One Big Thing” as a unique project/initiative that you will choose to relentlessly focus on starting from today, get known for it inside the organization and which in return, will take you to your next job promotion. This also means that you will consciously deprioritize other, less important projects and learn how to negotiate time for One Big Thing with your boss. This goes against what most people do to advance their careers! Most people work hard and work on as many projects as possible, hoping that one of them will get them to the next level. One Big Thing is one of the most effective career advancement strategies I’ve seen in a while. At the same time, it is a very counterintuitive strategy and that is why Bozi gives a very specific guidance on how to identify your One Big Thing, then create a daily action plan to execute it, and finally how to name it, brand it, and talk about it for success. Here (as in many other places), the devil is in the details.

Module #4: Make Your Boss Work For You. When I originally saw the title of the module, I was puzzled – make my boss work for me?! After all, most people have problems getting their boss to even talk about the career advancement topic. However, after the first few lessons it became clear what Bozi means by that. Basically, if you have a clear boss management strategy, you will get to a point where your boss is actively working to get you a new job promotion. What’s even more interesting, Bozi developed a 4-step process that you can use to gently move your boss from one level of endorsement to the next one, gradually helping you get the next level job. I’ve never seen anyone in career space develop a process like this and I learned from Bozi that many of his students experience major career shifts just from applying this module alone.

Module #5: Grow Into You 2.0. This module is all about making sure that you are successful in your next job before you even start working there. For example, most people meet their hiring manager (who is actually their potential future boss) during the job interview. This is not optimal as it can be seen as cold-selling. Inside this module Bozi teaches you how to get in front of hiring manager way before the interview, demonstrate that you’ve got what it takes to get promoted and then turn the interview into a mere formality. Furthermore, he teaches you how to identify one skill/competency that you need for the next level job and how to develop it in the most natural (and accelerated) way. Finally, inside this module you will learn about one of the best kept secrets of fast-track executives which is how to access the “hidden job market” (according to the latest research, 85% of executive jobs are never publicly announced).

Module #6: How to Become The Key Person of Influence. Just when I thought that Career Acceleration Formula is a truly innovative, action packed training that delivers incredible value, and that the first five modules are already more than enough to get you promoted, I got surprised. In module 6, Bozi delivers brilliant strategies on how to get away from office politics, become a master of ethical influencing, network like a true pro and finally how to build influence outside of the walls of your company. True to his style, he demystifies each of the components and then shows you exactly how to do this in the context of job promotion. This module alone is worth the price of the whole training.

Finally, is there anything to improve inside Career Acceleration Formula? There is, actually two things.

First, it would be good to have some sort of a guidance on how to handle the job promotion interview. Bozi often says that for the students who follow the formula, the job promotion interview is a formality, however in my opinion, having guidance on this topic would make the training even more complete. I shared this feedback with Bozi and last time we talked he told me that he partnered with one of the top experts on this topic and has developed an extra chapter/bonus.

Second, I believe it would be very useful for students of Career Acceleration Formula to have some face-time with Bozi (or Skype time) and get exposed to his strategies directly from him. I know that this is challenging due to time constraints but hearing him teach live and being able to get your questions answered is an experience on its own.

That’s basically it, my full review of Career Acceleration Formula!

In a nutshell, if you are currently stuck in a job with no future, want to land a job promotion fast and learn insider secrets on how to predictably and consistently advance your career, than Career Acceleration Formula is for you. Bozi has been there, done that, cracked the career success formula and has figured out the way to make it work fast for everyone else. Click here to learn more about Bozi’s strategies.

Yours truly,
Lisa Rangel

P.S. I know from Bozi that the price of Career Acceleration Formula has been steadily going up since the launch last year (no wonder, as people get huge return on investment from this training) so if you are the right candidate for this training, I would suggest you hurry up and get on one of his introductory trainings as soon as possible http://chamres.com/Bozi-b. And yes, this is an affiliate link, but I rarely endorse other’s products and services and only do so when I have gone through it and know the information and training is solid.


Tags: Job Search, Career Strategies

6 Habit-Making Ways to Make Networking Easy and Automatic

Posted by Daniel Sullivan on Tue, Jun 16, 2015 @ 10:00 AM


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Most things in life are a habit. Essentially we have to train ourselves to take certain actions each day until it becomes like second nature.

Networking is one of those job search actions that need to become a habit in order for it to be truly successful.

By making job search networking a habit, you not only increase your chances of finding a job, you’ll also start to feel like networking is more natural to you. Use these tips to help you create this new habit on your job search.


Call three contacts per day.

Calling three contacts per day, who are not part of your everyday dealings, expands your network and helps you touch base with your connections. The key point to emphasize that you need to call three contacts you do not already deal with on a daily basis.

Push yourself out of your comfort zone and contact people you don’t talk to as often. Look at co-workers you have not spoken with in 6 months. Vendors you dealt with at a previous employer. College roommates and friends that you have not chatted with in eons. Neighbors that moved away and you lost touch. By cultivating these relationships you expand your network and increase your chances of getting a referral, since you are reaching out when you do not need it, initially, so you come across more genuine if you every reach out and do need something.


Commit to having lunch outside of your office at least once a week.

You’re not going to make any new connections or build solid relationships if you eat lunch at your desk.

Instead, commit to having lunch outside of your office at least once a week. Invite contacts that are nearby, go to restaurants you know people in your field enjoy or reach out to local, relevant contacts on LinkedIn and suggest meeting in person over lunch.


When going to a conference or work trip, aim to connect with one new person who is not involved with the event.

How often do you go to a conference only to talk to the same people every time? Or, how often do you go only to talk to event organizers or sponsors in the expo hall?

None of these scenarios are a smart use of your time.

One way to ensure you’re meeting someone new is to contact someone who is in the area and is not involved with the conference in any way. You can use social media to find out who is nearby and ask them to meet during the time you are at the conference. Other ways to reach out to new contacts is to participate in any online networking activities sponsored by the conference to make connections before you get there. Tweet about the conference using the conference twitter hashtag. Look at the attendee list and connect with anyone beforehand and request a get-together over coffee while you are both there.


Develop a networking ritual.

If we create a ritual when cultivating a new habit then it increases the chances of us sticking to it. For example, one such ritual is to do the same thing at the same time every day.

This may look like reaching out to new contacts first thing when you walk into the office. Send emails on Monday to five contacts asking if they can join you for lunch over the next few weeks to have your requests for lunch appointments be taken care of early in the week.

You can also use calendar apps like Timeful to set reminders for yourself so you don’t forget.


Start simple.

One of the reasons people find it difficult to set new habits is because they set their sights too high. The reality is you can’t change your behavior overnight.

You can combat this by starting off with simple things. For example, are you having a hard time calling those three contacts? Use James Clear’s 2 minute rule to get you going. That means just find a way to get started in two minutes. In this case it may be finding a contact’s information on LinkedIn.


Don’t worry about results right away.

Another reason habits don’t stick is because people get hung up on the results and quit when they don’t see immediate benefits.

Rather than worrying about the payoff, just focus on creating the habit. The payoff will come in time if you manage to change your behavior.


Tags: Job Search, Networking, Career Strategies